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Muslims killing over a cartoon

Posted: Mon Feb 06, 2006 8:05 pm
by scottc

Ok, the religion of peace is at it again. I will not pull any punches. They are the scum of the earth. If muslims still want to hide behind the vail of the religion of peace, sorry it is too late. If you are not denouncing the lunatics you are part of the problem, staying silent is not an option any longer. They have no problems defaming my fellow Jews in political cartoons, or my Christian brothers, but oh you make fun of poor old Mohamad and the world comes to an end. I say it is time to put them all on notice with this and the delivery man...


Posted: Mon Feb 06, 2006 8:36 pm
by Splitter
With ya brother....

It is very calculated how they don't express outrage against their own for violence to others.

Ishmail has been a bad boy.