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Which political party is doing a better job ? **** POLL****

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 10:13 am
by billg
Which political party is doing a better job if any? If I've missed anybody's political party please let me know and I will include them in a future update.

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2005 10:06 pm
by Villimus Rex
We need a party that not only pays lip service to the Constitution but actually acts in accord with the strictures of that document. Take a read of your constitution and Bill of Rights, then take a look at the good commrades who inhabit our government today. They like to think themselves leaders and many a citizen I hear refering to them that way. Those whom we elect are our representitives not our leaders! If we allow them to become leaders then we forfit our birthright as free citizens. We become subjects of a noble class.
So what party do I like? I am not sure, certainly not the Republicrats or the Demicans. Perhaps we need a strick "Orthodox Consitution" party.
The entire plank could be drawn fron our founding documents and the Old and New testements.

Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2005 8:18 am
by Topmaul
I like that Orthadox Constitution party let's start one.

Orthadox Cunstitutional Party

Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2005 8:36 am
by Villimus Rex
I shall have to start working on a plank. It may be hard to keep my own ideas and opinion out of it so check me as I work it out.

Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2005 3:00 pm
by Splitter
I have been moderate all of my adult life, voting conservative because I just can't stand to have idiots like Carter, Clinton, or someone like Gore, or Kerry as president.

In the last year or so, because of all the absolutely ridiculousness of the Democratic Party, I have been leaning conservative from moderate.

....can't blame GWB for EVERYTHING!!!

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2005 8:39 am
by Topmaul
the Republicans are acting just like Democrats. Did President Bush Veto any spending bills? No, Infact did the current administration do anything on the conservitive adjenda? No. What is the differance? Help me I can't see much differance between the dem and the Rep parties. We need a new party the Orthadox Constitution Party.

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2005 9:03 pm
by Splitter
Spending Schmending!!

Domestic issues continue to ellude all parties since Reagan. I'm much more concerned with the safety of my son in Iraq.

I'm also concerned that the Dems' are and will do more harm than good when it comes to the safety of our country as well as our troops.

It is almost always a crapshoot when hiring a new president these days. GWB is a better person than Kerry ever was.

BTW... What exactly does the Orthodox Constitution Party represent anyways? :)

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2005 8:52 am
by Guest
"extremism in defence of liberty is no vice and moderation in the search of justice is no virtue" Barry Goldwater.

Where in the US Constitution does it give the Federal gov't the power to disburse our tax dollars to rebuild and compensate for disasters? I can't find it, nor could David Crockett when he was in congress. The Constitution spells out what the Fed can do and whatever is not spelled out as it's power does not belong to it.
Most of the power wielded today by the Fed. is power that has been usurped from the states and ultimately, you and I. This gov't has stalked so far astray that for us to return to the goverment of King George III would be return to liberty comparable only to our original secession from it. The day is fast approaching whan a nation very similar to the Soviet Union of the 1950s and 60s will again exsist, this time however it will eshrine the likes of George Washington and Alexander Hamilton; only their autobiographies will be revised.
We can do something about it, but people have to be educated in the truth. Our children must read and understand the true words of our founders not the revised and redifined pap taught in the public brain washing system. We must be not afraid to stand up and say what is unpopular when it is the truth. Never back down to the leftists and their mindless enablers.
In the 1980s and 90s the people of Eastern Europe (in particular the people of Poland and Romania) threw off the yoke of Bolshevism at the risk of being crushed by the Red army. Finally the Russians themselves rejected it. Right now we face a far lesser risk if we stand up and endevour to restore or Constitution and our liberty. If we keep waiting and hoping it will fix itself however, then our situation will be like theirs, or worse. In the past armed force was always available as a last resort to regain abrigated freedoms. Today however the advance of military technology has perverted the intended balance of power between the populace and the army. We must work to save our liberty now while votes still mean something even if only at a local level.
None of our current political parties are up to the task. They are all organs of the same putrid creature. We need to vote only for those who will unwaveringly follow the US Constitution and support. Even when that means voting NO to sending our tax dollard to rebuild after storms and earthquakes. So what party does all this? I havent found it, but I keep looking.

Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2005 11:35 am
by Popeye
If voting made a difference the bastards would have banned it a long time ago.

Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2005 6:33 pm
by Splitter
You would vote NO to sending money to the hundreds of thousands of victims of the storms?

Shame on you.

Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2005 1:21 am
by Popeye
Correct. If I were an elected representative I would be in violation of the US Constitution to vote otherwise.

The US Constitution is an interesting document. You ought to read it sometime. Then study it. It is written in rather simple, easy to understand, english.

Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2005 8:15 am
by Villimus Rex
There is no athority in the Constitution for such a "redistribution of wealth".
IRT the bit about Dadid Crockett I direct you to
The speech is titled "Not yours to give".
As for shame in voting not to send aid, the shame would be to not give of you own volation. For Congress to give away my money, your money too, is a shame in its own right. It is not Congress' money to be giving away, it is our money. We pay taxes so that the machinery of gov't can run. For Congress to spend our money on anything else is theft.
As a counrty we have forgotten what we are founded upon, this is why people have so easy a time in saying they would violate the Constitutiuon for this or that. Why not for everything? Why even have a Constitution if we are going to violate it whenever it suits our fancy?
People. read your Constitution! Do not read somebody else's explanation of it, get your dictionary down get a copy of the Constitution and start reading. It is a fairly simple document, it was written for average people to understand.
We are on the verge of loosing it. Lincoln wounded it greavously and during the 20th century it was dealt blow after blow as socialist and totolitarian dogma flooded into our laws. This is continuing under Mr. Bush. Soon the founding documents of our land will be no different than the Queen of England in that she is merley a figure head with no real authority. That is where our Constitution and Bill of Rights are heading.

Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2005 11:22 am
by Splitter
Sounds like Libertarian, Constitution, or Green Party rhetoric to me.

Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2005 3:53 pm
by Popeye
Sounds to me like you haven't taken the time to read our Constitution.

Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2005 5:13 pm
by Splitter
I respect your opinions... my opinion is that we don't have ANY party or ANY candidate that adequately represents "us".

That aside, I will endeavor to read the Constitution (again). Problem is that no matter what I believe, there are hard core individuals that must blame everybody in office for everything that is wrong with our country.

When I vote, I vote the lesser of evils, I feel I almost have to. Sad thing is, that is a terrible way to do it. But a no-vote is even worse.

So, until we have political candidates who actually represent "us", we are stuck with just that, the lesser of two evils. It is the same with all political partys. They ALL have issues. NONE of them are worthy of an "honest" vote.

Got any better suggestions, with the exception of telling me to read the Constitution again? How about something constructive like telling me how I can actually take some sort of real action at a civil level. Other than showing up at the polls, that is.